Apparently, without knowing it, I have put myself on hiatus in the blogging world. I haven’t really felt compelled to write lately. I’m not quite sure if that is because there hasn’t been much to write about, or if what there is to write about isn’t really meant to be posted on the internet. Let’s see if I can try to bring everyone up to date.
Carleigh is crawling all over the place now. She’s into the pulling cords out of the sockets phase. She also enjoys trying to race us to the baby gate to see if she can get through before we close it. She’s won a couple of times. She seemed to be teething again for a while, but that appears to have subsided, without any noticeable progress I might add.
Carissa is well… Carissa. She went to girl scout camp last weekend. That seemed to go well other than the fact that it rained the whole time they were there. She has an all day affair with T-Ball tomorrow, so it’ll just be me an Carleigh all day. Carissa has a parade and then like 2 or 10 games tomorrow afternoon.
My adventure with Junior Achievement wrapped up a week ago today. I don’t think I mentioned that I was volunteering for Junior Achievement over at the new Middle School. I was there every Friday for six weeks teaching Mr. Werner’s class about economics (well all the economics a 7th grader needs to know anyhow). It was kind of stressful coming up with lessons every week because I didn’t necessarily agree where the Junior Achievement lessons were headed, but in the end I think it was worthwhile. I’ll probably do it again. I got lucky and had a good class. Everyone was eager to participate and they all behaved well for being the last class of the day.
My highlight of last week occurred last Saturday. I went with Dad to pick up 150+ hanging baskets to sell for mother’s day (that was only one load). We were unloading them when we got back and I wasn’t watching what I was doing and walked smack dab into the fire hydrant, hitting my knee cap right on the part that sticks out. I got instantly nauseous and went and sat down on a pallet of salt. It’s a good thing I did because soon thereafter, my vision started getting all blurry and my hearing started going away. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced. I just sat there and was aware of what was going on, cars going by, Dustin asking me a question, but I just didn’t care. I suspect I was on the verge of passing out, but I didn’t. I was about ready to tell Dustin he’d better get me some help, but a minute or two later I felt as though I could stand up again, and once I walked a bit, the bluryness went away and my hearing came back.
Anyhow, I’ve been limping around since then. Let me tell you, going up stairs and getting in and out of cars is a real treat. I went to the Doctor on Tuesday. He said it was probably just a severe bone bruise, nothing broken, and nothing I can do for it. It seems to be loosening up a bit, but it still hurts when I do certain things to it.
That’s it for now. My apologies to my loyal readers that I don’t have a more interesting life. Perhaps I will try running in to more things to make for better blog topics.
I have an address on the route I’m doing that the bulldog attacks your vehicle. That would make for an interesting blog. The kicker is….it’s in the rich neighborhood by Tam O’Shanter golf course.