I was reading back on my post about Sickfest 2008 and interesting enough, Sickfest must come around the last week in March ever year. It was the last week in March last year that Sickfest occured. Now that I’m on to its pattern, I think next year I will be well prepared for Sickfest 2010… Hmmm that would make a good movie title… “Sickfest Twenty Ten”. How will I prepare for Sickfest Twenty Ten you ask? Well that’s easy. I’ll move out the last week of March next year. OK, perhaps that’s not the greatest idea since I’m usually the only healthy one during Sickfest.
Back to Sickfest 2009. Well we begin with April, who about a week ago got very sick. She couldn’t eat or drink because her throat was so sore. She went to the doctor a week ago today and wasn’t able to see our normal doctor. The guy she saw told her it wasn’t a big deal and sent her home. Last Saturday she woke up worse, and went back. She saw someone else who told her he could tell she had Strep throat even without testing her. So they tested her (???) and gave her meds. Monday or Tuesday… I don’t remember which, Monday I think, Carissa started having all kinds of ear troubles. She couldn’t sleep and kept saying her ear was hurting etc. (some of you may recall that Sickfest 2008 was right before Carissa’s ear surgery… coincidence… I think not, it’s a conspiracy. Anyhow, April, who was feeling quite a bit better on Tuesday took Carissa to the ear doctor. She had a really bad ear infection in one ear and the other one isn’t draining or something to that effect. It boils down to, if they don’t clear up in at least three months, she will have to get tubes put back in. Surgery… Sickfest… see the link…
Wednesday April woke up feeling worse, and by Thursday was worse than before. She went back to the doctor and they told her she has Mono, so now she has strep throat and mono. Carleigh seemed like she wasn’t feeling great, so she made her an appointment that day too, but the doctor didn’t really find anything wrong with Carleigh.
Move on to last night… Carleigh was coughing most of the night and woke up screaming at 10:30. She wouldn’t calm down at all, so I rocked her for about an hour and eventually she fell back asleep, but you could tell her throat was bothering her and she got snot all over my shirt. Today Carleigh wasn’t any better and tonight about 7:00 she started running at 101.6 fever. We gave her Tylenol and it didn’t bring it down. We were close to taking her to the ER but we called first and they said to give her a second dose of Tylenol and a dose of Motrin. I went to the store and got Motrin and about 8:45 her fever seemed like it was going down. She was absolutely beat, so we put her to bed. Now we’ll see what Sickfest 2008 2009 has in store for tomorrow.
You need to do some editing, in the last line you say,”Now we’ll see what Sickfest 2008 has in store for tomorrow.” You actually mean 2009. I know accuracy is very important to you.
You are correct, accuracy is at the top of my list… Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways!