… I don’t know what is.
I just received an e-mail from Global Computer Sales with the subject Thousands Caught in Blackout Naturally people are ALREADY trying to capitalize on the blackout situation tonight. It goes on to read “POWER OUTAGE, Thousands Caught in Blackout, Companies lose critical data and productivity costing millions of dollars. It is a complete add for Battery backup systems. (UPSs). I personally feel sorry for those in Cleveland, Massillon and a good portion of the North East who still don’t have power. I don’t think it is necessarily good taste to be promoting products using their unfortunate situation before the situation is even over yet.
Now I will say that I talked to my dad and they decided to keep our grocery store open an extra hour because they said on the radio that Brewster had power and we got swamped about a half an hour before we were to closed. I feel that this is totally different from what the e-mail spammers are doing. Those people came to us and we catered to them. We weren’t forcing products down their throats because of an unfortunate situation. Does anyone else agree or am I just biased?
You are biased, but I agree. 🙂
I’d have to say you are not biased. I think that is a good service to have provided.
Side story — I have to say I love my UPS. A couple of weeks ago we had a power outage on Sunday evening while I was watching “Hunter,” so I used the UPS from my computer to power the TV for the last 15 minutes of the show.
On Thursday, I thought something was wrong with the UPS, because it kept on switching to battery power right before the power went out (for 12 minutes), but now I know that nothing was wrong. It was switching to battery power because of some of the surges we experienced.