Today was one of the better days that I’ve had in a while… perhaps all quarter. I’m not sure if it was because the sun was out or because my chemical imbalance balanced itself (I don’t actually have a chemical imbalance that I know of). Anyhow the day started out with me scheduling for next quarter. I got in every class I intended to get into. All seven of them. That’s right I said seven. The sad part is those seven classes are only worth 17 quarter hours. I figured I had better load up on classes now so that my last year here I can take it a little bit easier. This was one of the easiest times I’ve ever had scheduling that I know of. I had my call numbers written down and as soon as my window opened I typed them in and viola I was in all seven classes. Pretty easy.
The rest of the day went pretty normally. Same old same old. I got a 100% on my ISE test and luckily didn’t get my 670 test back (I’m not too confident about it). Then I came home and had dinner. Watched TV, talked to my honey and did some ISE homework. The best part of my day came when I began to plan what I would take in my lunch tomorrow.
I have a dentist appointment Tomorrow at 8 AM and knew I wouldn’t want to be packing my lunch when I got up so I wanted to do it tonight. I was really hungry for egg salad, but was trying to figure out how to take it in my lunch because I didn’t want to make the sandwiches as they would get soggy. So I thought I would take the bread and the egg salad separate, however I didn’t have anything small enough to put the egg salad in and still have it fit into my lunch box with an ice pack to keep it cold. Finally it dawned on me. I put the egg salad in a sandwich bag and tied off the end. Now when I go to make my sandwiches at work tomorrow all I have to do is snip off the corner and squeeze it on my bread. Then came the problem of keeping my bread from getting smashed in my lunch box should I put the lunch box in my book bag. I was going to take a granola bar with me and happened to lay it beside the bread. I realized that if I put one on the other side the two granola bars would prevent the bread from smooching.
I realize that my food preparation skills aren’t that interesting nor was what I accomplished on par of say rocket science, but I was pretty thrilled with myself.
I always knew this engineering degree would be handy.