Party was Sat, 8 Aug 2015 at 4:00. Carleigh wanted a taco bar so we based our food on what was used for Carissa’s taco bar, and the fact that we thought there would be more people here. It turned out we had too much food. In attendance was Chris, April, Carissa, Carleigh, Buzz, Cynthia, Brent, Cathy, Kurt, Melanie, Ashton, Briella, Joyce Stroud, Jeremy, Rosie, Cody, Hunter, Riley, Uncle Walt, Colton, Chet, Linda, Patti, Tom, Grandma Belloni, Amy, Lexi, Kara, Ethan , Ella, Tim, Bri, Wyatt, Taylor, Riley Brothers, Courtney Newtz, Katie Barresford, Courtney Alexander.
We had 3.75 lbs ground beef, about 3 lbs pork, and 2 pkg frozen chicken breasts. Beef was made with normal taco mix, pork with carnitas packets, and chicken with two jars salsa. Threre was 1/4-1/3 of the beef and pork left and almost all the chicken. The frozen breasts wouldn’t shred and so I chopped it up. I don’t know if no one ate it because it was chopped or what the problem was. It tasted find to me. We got 2 salsas from campesinos in Strasburg and 1 was left. We got rice for 25 people from there also and there was of 3/4 left. We bought 3 sour creams, and used two, two bags tortilla chips and used 1, 6 bags doritos and used 2, 3 pkg shredded cheese and used 2, 1 onion and used very little, 6 tomatoes and used 3, 4 bags tortillas and used 3, 2 jars olives, and used 1. 2 bags of lettuce and used 1. I made guacamole and used 3 avocatods and it was almost gone. Our theory on why there was so much food left is because we had a few snackie things before like pretzels, fruit, licorice, sweedish fish etc. Also not everyone who said they would show up did. 3 gal fruit punch mixed with 3 2 liters of 7up and 2 24pks water was just about enough beverage