Yeah, the post on August 31st… Well it seems that nothing has changed since then. I was hoping things were looking up but I’m right back where that post left off. I do have a new house though so that’s cool. Even have a garage with a garage opener… This house doesn’t even have a mold problem, how cool is that lol :). Dad and I just got back from Colorado again yesterday. Ben’s company presented an award in his honer and wanted Dad to present the first one and I got to go with. It was nice being able to do something nice like that, but it brought back a lot of memories. Particularly rough was waiting for my baggage at Akron Canton once I got back. I kept thinking of the last time I went to pick up Ben at the airport with April and we waited there for him. The whole time we were out there, it seemed weird not going to his apartment (well it’s not his apartment anymore, which is weird in itself). I just kept thinking about how cool it would have been to go out and visit him and how I never did. I was planning a trip out to see him about this time actually, but obviously I ended up going not to see him, but to honor him. Overall it was a very nice trip, just brought back a lot of memories that will never (nor should they) go away.
I guess the nice thing about feeling the way that i’m feeling is that when things finally do look up it will be a plesent surprise. Things just have to get better, and I know they will. I don’t know how much more I can take. Maybe I need to go away for a while, but we all know that probably won’t be happening. Idk though……
So I bet you didn’t know I read this, huh?
I was wondering how the second trip was… does Heidi’s have a Ben’s Bologna sandwich yet?? I sometimes miss being there, but going back is also a scary thought. Why is it that the hardest part is not the trip out there but realizing that its over when you come back?? Let’s plan a happy Colorado trip this December, and let’s take our skis! I hope you said Hello to Jewell for me– all 4 of them:)
Oh, and by the way…We went to the tree planting and let me tell you that you missed Grandma Belloni shoveling dirt onto a tree. In a skirt. Aunt Patty had a good chuckle at that. I have pictures. But anyways… I haven’t seen ya in awhile, so I’ll be looking for ya. When is ice cream?