Thanks to purplemidnight and suzzi_boi I am also revealing my name statistics
Christopher is the #11 most common male name.
1.035% of men in the US are named Christopher.
Around 1267875 US men are named Christopher!
Christopher is the #1968 most common female name.
0.003% of females in the US are named Christopher.
Around 3825 US females are named Christopher!
Christopher is the #1182 most common last name.
0.01% of last names in the US are Christopher.
Around 25000 US last names are Christopher!
Belloni is a very rare male name.
Very few men in the US are named Belloni.
Be proud of your unique name!
Belloni is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named Belloni.
Be proud of your unique name!
Belloni is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are Belloni.
Be proud of your unique last name!