I still don’t have much to say, but thanks to joeferg I do have a cool website. Columbus Ohio Offence Reports. You can see what crimes have been committed in your district lately. If any one cares I’m in zone 4, precinct 4, cruiser district 41.
I ordered a new LCD last week. The blue one of course. It goes well with the one I had purchased previously. This one goes in the 3 1/2″ floppy bay on my shuttle PC. While I was at it I got a blue LED binary clock from thinkgeek.com as well. Now I sit at my desk and bask in the blueness. It’s quite relaxing, nonetheless I’ve realized that if someone makes something with blue LEDs in it, more that likely I will buy it. Kinda sad really.
i dont have any blue LED’s in the apartment. =(
Are you going to use the binary clock as an alarm clock? It might be a good prank to replace someone’s alarm clock with one of those. Why does the blue one cost $3 more?
I took a look at the crime report. It’s good to see there is a wide array of crime in cruiser district 41. It would be boring to see the same crime over and over again.
Rock on! I just got one for Christmas.. I have quite a list going on thinkgeek!